I started the day with 3 directions I wanted to take my video. They were as follows.

The first would be a conversation between 2 friends. Friend 1 would text friend 2 and ask "Can you pick me up from work later if I don't have a ride?"
Friend 2 would then say "Yea probably"
Friend 1 would then assume he'll have a ride from friend 2 and doesn't respond.
Friend 2 doesn't get a response so he makes other plans.
Friend 1 is off work and texts friend 2. He asks "Are you still coming to pick me up?"
Friend 2 is surprised. He texts back "Dude! I didn't hear anything and made other plans, I didn't drive."
Now friend 1 must walk home in the rain.

Girl texts a guy she has been dating for a week and asks "wuts up?" using slang or abbreviated text messages.
Guy texts back "Not much, what are you doing?"
Girl texts back "NM, jus cn if U wntd 2 go 2 a flick l8r"
There is a long pause because guy is unclear what the message said.
Guy texts back "What?" because he had trouble understanding the message.
Girl texts back "NM" meaning never mind. She is frustrated and unsure what to think about the long pause between messages.
Guy ignores because he has no idea what "NM" means.

This idea would start off with a guy and a girl having aa conversation via text messaging. The Guy says he has some stuff to do but he will text the girl later.
Girl says "OK Fine."
Guy texts her back and asks "Are you mad?"
Due to normal reception issues with service providers (Noise caused by the channel) there is a long pause, and guy doesn't hear from girl. He texts her "??".
He finally gets a message back from girl that says "NO IM NOT MAD, just text me whenever it's convenient".
Guy receives the message and feels like girl is mad. He texts back "Excuse me for being busy".
I like to call this idea WWIII.
After a small crit with Lance and Jessica and their feedback, I am really leaning towards the 3rd idea. I am now thinking about how this would be produced. I am considering a live action video using 2 real people. I am also considering using objects to represent the subjects and using voice overs. I will continue to figure out rendering ideas over the weekend and bring them in on Mon for crit.
I have also made the following refinements to my diagram...

This was where I was when class began. After looking at it I realized that it didn't make much sense. The squares get bigger which doesn't really show how feedback gets back to the sender. My intentions were to show a linear diagram by using scale, but I don't think it's successful.

This is where I am now. I feel that this not only communicates the 6 elements better but also fits with my video as well. I feel like the feedback is still in the wrong place and it's something I need to figure out. I also need the annotations. Improvements will be made this weekend and will have a refined version of this for crit as well as a more detailed storyboard and rendering ideas for my video.